Monday, May 25, 2009

Hi, Welcome to the Davinci Ireland Owners Forum,
The idea is to share any common points of interest , tips, suggestions, complaints etc. with other Davinci dwellers . Hope you find it a useful tool. As the webmaster I`m going to `throw it open to the floor` and let someone else make the first blog.........



  1. Well done Noel, I think it will be great to be able to swap ideas or ask advise from other Davinci dwellers.

  2. Thanks Marguerite,
    down to business.........

    does anyone find the black paint on the external plastic vent casings is flaking off revealing white underneath ?

  3. Also, did anyone get spare interior paint for touch ups ?
    Regular white emulsion that we can get here in the hardware stores dries to a different shade of white and basically doesnt work.
    We were given a spare half tub but it went rotten and whiffy and we had to throw it out.
    If other owners need some too perhaps we could refer it to Davinci.....

  4. Hi guys,

    I found the letter regarding the loss of the local team disturbing. I would like to have a contact on the island - does anyone else feel the same?

    Ian Kelly, Waterford.

  5. Hi All, just want to let you know that due to circumstances I have to delete all your Davinci projects on your personal websites, however I will burn your pictures on CD and send them to you. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause unfortunately it is out of my control. Thanks again. Cheers Volkhard

  6. I thought I had posted this up before, but ........ just to let people know, we have been promised a visit from Davinci next week, to fix some of the items still on our 'snag list'! So if anyone needs something done, might be an idea to contact Hassan. Also Herr Humer is also meant to be calling at the end of July.

  7. Hi Marguerite you allready posted it under "latest situation regarding...."
